All the received manuscript firstly checked for basic components and suitability, and then will be sent out for peer review and corresponding author will be notified by email.

After peer review, if the manuscript is accepted for publication; the corresponding author is notified by email and receives a pdf file of the final version of the published manuscript but after substantial revisions as suggested by reviewers.

A copyright form must be provided for each accepted manuscript and that should be duly signed by the corresponding author and a scanned copy should be returned via email to the editor.

Interpretations and data presented in the manuscript will be the sole responsibility of the author(s) and not the agriculture-24. The mention of the proprietary products does not imply that they are endorsed or recommended by the society.


The jurisdiction for all disputes or related violence, concerning submitted articles, published materials; advertisement etc. will be subjected to the ‘Jurisdiction of Rampur”, Uttar Pradesh, India.