Agriculture-24 invites students, researchers, scientist and faculties from around the world on the diverse fields of agriculture, horticulture, Forestry, Dairy science and technology, Biotechnology, fisheries, food science & technology, veterinary science, animal husbandry, environmental & Allied Sciences for publishing their research/findings/ innovative ideas & success stories from various domain, government schemes and policies, rural development programmes, world scenario, agriculture current affairs etc. All the submitted articles will be peer reviewed by the experts and should not be submitted simultaneously anywhere for the publication.

Type of Publication: Editorial, News and Newsletter, Research Papers, Review Articles, Mini Review, Short Communication.

Manuscript Preparation

Please submit the title, author’s names and their full affiliation as well as names and addresses of at least three potential referees with along the manuscript for peer review process. All the received manuscript firstly assessed by Editor for suitability and then will be sent out for peer review to assess the scientific merit. However, the Editor-in-Chief decision will be final regarding the acceptance or rejection of the manuscripts. All manuscripts should be supplied in editable form and must contain the following required items: Abstract (max. 250 words), Keywords (max. 06), Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results and Discussion, Conclusions, Acknowledgements (including Financial Grants, if any), Artworks (min. 300 dpi, JPEG, TIFF or MS Word files) and Tables with Captions. All the figures and tables must be included in the single file and are placed next to the relevant text in the manuscript.

Cover Letter: The cover letter should contain declaration that the submitted work has not been previously published previously except as abstract, published lecture or academic thesis and should not be under consideration for publication elsewhere and also must be approved by all authors and should not be republished elsewhere in the same form but with the written permission of the copyright holder.

Abstract: It should be the brief summary of the work, which is informative and truthful.

Introduction: It should be the state of the work that must provide an adequate background including past and present work, avoiding a detailed literature survey or a summary of the results.

Material and methods: This section should explain very clearly the materials and methods used by the researchers during the course of the study with proper citation. However, any modification in methods used in the study should be clearly described.

Results and discussion: Results should be very concise and clear and reflects the significance of the result of the work. Discussion should also be the direct outcome of the results, avoiding extensive citations and discussion of published literature.

Conclusions: It must be very concise and clear but should be different from results and discussion.

Text formatting: Text should be supplied in 12 point Times New Roman font with double line spacing, justified alignment and page number in A4 page size.

Reference formatting in text: If single author (author’s name without initials, unless there is ambiguity and the year of publication: William 2017; if ambiguity exist: William 2017a,b); if two authors (name of both authors names and the year of publication: William and Stephen 2017); and if three or more (first author’s name followed by ‘et al.’ and the year of publication: William et al., 2017).

Reference formatting in reference section: All the references should be arranged first alphabetically and then further should be sorted chronologically. If more than one reference from the same author in the same year, it must be identified by the letters i.e. ‘a’, ‘b’, ‘c’, etc., and should be placed after the year of publication.

Reference to a journal article: Van der Geer, J., Hanraads, J.A.J., Lupton, R.A., 2010. The art of writing a scientific article. J. Sci. Commun. 163, 51-59.

Reference to a book: Strunk Jr., W., White, E.B., 2000. The Elements of Style, fourth ed. Longman, New York.

Reference to a chapter in an edited book: Mettam, G.R., Adams, L.B., 2009. How to prepare an electronic version of your article, in: Jones, B.S., Smith, R.Z. (Eds.), Introduction to the Electronic Age. E-Publishing Inc., New York, pp. 281-304.

Reference to a website: Cancer Research UK, 1975. Cancer statistics reports for the UK. (accessed 13 March 2003).

Reference to Thesis: Thanigavel M., 2004. Biodegradation of tannery effluent in fluidized bed bioreactor with low density biomass support. M. Tech. Thesis. Annamalai University, Tamil Nadu, India forest compositions. Mendeley Data, v1. xwj98nb39r.1.

Reference to a dataset: Oguro, M., Imahiro, S., Saito, S., Nakashizuka, T., 2015. Mortality data for Japanese oak wilt disease and surrounding